Thursday 31 January 2013

SCULPTURE:Crinkling with a hair crinkler

Hair Crinkler
Metal Crinkling Plate
In my exploration of using a crinkler to crinkle, I am looking at what happens to a variety of material when placed between the two heated metal plates of a hair crinkler. With all my chosen materials I only crinkled part of the fabric so i could see the comparison of the material before and after crinkling.

Crinkled plastic imitation Bamboo
The plastic imitation bamboo was a solid cyndricial structure to start with. When placed between the hot metal plates it melted and became very soft within seconds and took the form of the hair crinklers ridges. When taken out of the crinkler the melted plastic cooled fast and became solid once more, maintaining the form of the ridges.

Crinkled Wool
The wool when placed between the hot plates changed colour within seconds from a bright pink to a deep purple. The wool seemed to have melted when first looking at it, but as it cooled, it turned back into being of the same colour and fibre as before. It is hard to tell weather the wool has kept its full intensity of ridges  because of the wool unravelling.

Crinkled light Cardboard
Even though light cardboard and left in the crinkler for over 30 seconds  only slight indentation  were created. I didn't think wise to leave in any longer because cardboard may have burnt.

Crinkled heavy Fabric (leatherette)
 I left the leatherette in between the hot metal plates only for a few second. It is a man-made material made from plastic, and it melted straight away, taking shape of the metal ridged plates. Because ridges were formed through melting it will maintain it's new ridged form unless remelted or through deterioration of time.

Crinkled medium weight Fabric
 I needed to leave the fabric in between the hot metal plates for about 15 seconds to create strong ridges. Because the material being of natural fabric and the melecular structor has not been changed, ridges may fall out over time.

Light weight Fabric
Fabric needed to held in between hot metal plates for approximately 30 seconds to create ridges. The fabric within a short period of time has lost the dept and strength of ridges, and because of this i think the fabric may have been treated to become an anti-wrinkle fabric and within a day or two will be wrinkle free again.

Crinkled brown Bread
 The bread only took a couple of seconds in between the hot ridges metal plates of the crinkler to crinkle, as it was very fresh, making it very manipulable.

Crinkled Banana
I held the banana in between the hot plates for about 10 seconds. It hissed and steamed whilst releasing a beautiful sweet aroma. The banana Crinkled easily. The plates on the other hand were left sticky with banana residue and needed to be cleaned.

Red Pepper
I held the slice of pepper in between the hot plates for about 30 seconds. It did not crinkle because of its fresh crispness and needed to be either older or cooked previous.

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