Sunday 3 February 2013


looking at visual communication and presentation and the importance of layout and spacing. The overall purpose behind the layout and spacing is to clearly communicate information to the onlooker..It seems to be a combination of  techniques to produce a balanced focused and symmetrical final result.  Layout spacing and colour are all important consideration for maximum visual impact. Small changes can radically alter the look and feel of an art piece as can be seen between the images in fig.1 and fig.2 below. 
In fig.1 I have placed each piece of crinkled material individually and together. I did this  by separating them with space and placing them together on the same wall. looking at the pieces together as a whole they are placed with equal balance so the eye flows easily from one object to the next so that the viewer can gain maximum focus of each individual piece.
In Fig 2 i have used the same materials as fig.1 but i have arranged them differently by bringing them together, and still taking into account colour balance and spacing, or lack of it.

Fig. 2 Stroking the Cat
Something else i was looking at was a title, and how it can change our perspective of an artwork. The title came from the name of the chapter of the torn out pages from a book. I feel as if it is apt in that it expresses my relation to cats and the actions needed in stroking a cat.

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