Wednesday 21 November 2012

Exploring how to build a structure to make a movable moble

These are not the best photos, as the leaf stands out more than the wire, but i did not yet want to take down the leaf as it was at the time still a work in progress.
Below and in front of the leaf, I've used string rather than a chain or metal bar in the making of this mobile, so to create flexibility and free movement. The string i have chosen to use is transparent to create the illusion of movement suspended in air.  Rather than attracting the thread straight to the horizontal bar i have found in my experiments that a hooked on vertical metal bar centres the string as well as helps it moves.

The video below shows, with balance, how the metal rods will move. I shortened the vertical metal hook to investigate if it would help in the mobiles movement. And to be honest I don’t know if it does, but it does help with giving me more room to build in so that i wouldn't be banging my head.

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