Friday 23 November 2012


The photos below are what I produced in a photogram workshop.
A photogram is a process of creating photos without a camera. This is done by placing objects between light sensitive paper and a light source.
The objects I used were my resin and wax pieces I made for hanging on my mobile.
The first photo I created I exposed to the photo sensitive paper to light for 5 sec at an aperture of f 2.0.  Next step I immersed it into the developer. It was developing very fast so I know that I had exposed it for too long, or with too low an aperture, so I moved it in to the stop liquid etc… for the next photo fig.2 I decreased the light exposure from 5 to 4 sec with an aperture to f 2.8.
Both photos below are photos of these photos and fig.1 is lighter than the original.

fig.1                                                                  fig.2
I really enjoyed learning and watching the photographic processes in this workshop. For me its in the unknown of what each piece of photo sensitive paper will unveil.

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