Sunday 2 December 2012

Mobile: an object moves a space must change

My imaginative composition of 'an object moves, a space must change' and the movement of that displacement of space. How it moves, how it curves in circular motion, changing and renewing whilst creating a new space.

This is a close up of my mobile 'an object moves a space must change'.  The resin and wax pieces I attached with fishing line for its translucency, as well as extra line i attached to catch the light.  It took a few hours to tie on the extra fishing line which ended up being a waste of time as at times when the piece moved the line ended up getting tangled. 

Mobile/an object moves a space must change/wire base

Mobile/an object moves a space must change 1

Mobile/an object moves a space must change 2

Mobile/an object moves a space must change 3

Mobile/an object moves a space must change 4

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