Saturday 22 September 2012

Experimenting with an installation piece I made on the 5 senses

Peoples interaction with my installation piece didn't work the way I wanted it to, 
I had an idea of setting up my installation which would encourage the audience to interact with it. if it worked out to my ideal it would have been laid out on a table in the order of sound,smell, taste touch and sight to heighten the experience, with an option of using a blindfold and headphones to isolate each of the sense for those who wanted to interact with the installation. The installation didn't work the way i envisioned it because i didn't get the time or the space to work with it.
Instead mainly without blindfolds or earphones people interacted randomly with the five sense pieces.

inside my taste box

sensing smell

inside my smell bow

inside my vision box

inside my touch box

It did not work the way I had expected but that really is how life works and that;s ok with me. I really enjoyed working on this first phase of the project and people seemed to enjoy interacting with it too. So I have learnt from this experience that not only will not everyone want to interact with my work, but to expected the unexpected.
From here, i plan to investigate light and how it interacts and can alter a space.

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