Wednesday 26 September 2012

How light interacts with space(refraction)

Using the bowl as my space, I have been experimenting with refraction of light through the use of water.  And in the process of these experimentation's I have come to create the images below:

photo no flash:shinning light from a projector through an upside-down unusually shaped bowl, onto white paper

photo with flash

glass reflecting light

Don't yet know how to transfer the photos that I have altered and fixed through the software Picasa, so the image you see here is not very clear, but on the paper in the background there is an accidental image of a cup and saucer. I love the idea of these accidental images and would like to experiment with creating images like this.

Below: I made a video which I can not seem to upload right now.  In it I was experimenting with light and refraction and how it interacts with space by using different media. I did this by capturing on video the images that where created from shinning light rays through a water filled thin glass bowl ,adding in colour, a crystal and some glitter.

Investigation of how white surfaces reflect light.
The light image that was created I coloured in with pastels.

Investigation of how black surfaces absorbs light.
I coloured in the image reflected, or absorbed its hard for me to say, on the paper making a non permanent into something more permanent

I used a light under the bowl as well as the projector

Here is an image of the same coloured water in a thick glass bowl. The images above and below look more of a silhouette than the previous images created using the thin glass bowl, and they also loose the vibrancy of colour.
conclusion: the thicker the glass the less transparency is achieved, as light rays do not pass through at the same speed. 

I turned the bowl right side up and refilled it with the coloured orange water creating a different image

I raised the coloured water level

Below: I made a video which I can not seem to upload right now.
In the large coloured-water filled bowl, I placed a small thick glass water filled bowl. 
Aim: to investigate the movement of light through different densities, and how the light would disperse through the thin glass and around the thicker glass onto the surface. In the video i tried to dramatise this by adding blue paint.

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